Tuesday, February 1, 2022

We all still strongly believe that giving a good education, a job, and financial independence empowers women. We condition women to have faith, to carry the culture, to stay positive, to have and prioritize family, to love, to nurture, and to care. But how would we feel, when all that isn't enough to protect our child. 

That moment when we have to beg for justice, that is not going to come any sooner and is never going to heal. 

The moment, when we feel we aren't enough and nothing we have is real.

And all this suffering and pain, our child had to endure till her last breath that now, we have to bear it for the rest of our life, is because a man can't behave appropriately to 14 years old? 

What can we do? 

Sex education and sensitivity training to a man in his 60s?

Need new laws?

Need more law enforcement agencies?

Need more functional CCTVs and street lights?

Need more helplines with better response time?

Need more good touch and bad touch sessions?

Need more counselors at schools?

Need more courts, speedy trials, and better conviction rates?

Need more women at the top of every institution, making decisions?

Yes, it all makes things better. It all aids deterrence.

But what stops?

More Poojas? Chantings? Fastings? More places of worship? Joint families?

Or to go back to the glorious past where one can rape 10 years old 'legitimately' by marriage?

Or to ignore as our child's fate or karma?


To question what emboldens men of our society to do such heinous acts, 

Who was raised in the family system as a proud son,

Who stays and raises his own family in this very same place,

Who practices and identifies with the values of caste, religion, race, and nationalism, 

Who engages with our cultural and social organizations,

Who participates in politics to govern this country,

Who watches cricket,

Yet ending up as a sexual offender, that leaves more than 50% of children of this country as victims of sexual violence.

What is being faked here?

What has to be dismantled and restructured?

What are we missing to do all along for centuries, to live here with safety and dignity?


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